Ash2Phos plant in Schkopau

In 2021, Phoshorgewinnung Schkopau GmbH was formed by GELSENWASSER AG and EasyMining Services Sweden AB to build the world's first phosphorus recovery plant using the Ash2Phos technology in Germany.

The plant will be built at the Schkopau Chemical Park in the Saxony-Anhalt region in eastern Germany, and have a capacity of 30 000 ton ash from incinerated sewage sludge per year. It will receive ash from the Gelsenwasser incineration plant in Bitterfeld-Wolfen but will also be able to treat ashes from other incineration plants.

The first plant in Schkopau will serve as a full industrial scale demonstration plant, treating ashes from various suppliers joining our innovation partnership from all over Germany. After successful demonstration and once the roll-out in other regions has started, the Schkopau plant will focus on regional ash inputs.

In September 2024 the project received a green light from The State Administrative Office to build the plant - Green Light for a new phosphorus recovery Plant to address global resource needs 

Site: Schkopau Chemical Park

Capacity: 30 000 ton sewage sludge ash per year

Plant in operation: 2027

Owners: Gelsenwasser and EasyMining


Construction starts


 Installation starts


Commissioning & start-up 


  Plant in full operation  


Closing the loop for phosphorus

With a growing population and increased food production the availability of phosphorus will become even more important. The Ash2Phos technology enables domestic production of cleaner and safer phosphorus, suitable for all parts of the phosphorus industry, contributing to a circular economy and a reduction of primary resource.

Clean Phosphorus

Sauberer Phosphor 2029

The Sauberer Phosphor 2029 (Clean Phosphorus) initiative will work to champion and advocate for phosphorus recovery and recycling processes in Germany.

About Ash2®Phos

EasyMinings´ Ash2Phos technology extracts phosphorus and other resources from sewage sludge ash. Read more on EasyMinings website.